
Getting ready for a new year!

You guys know how I love a good Bible Study, and boy are we getting ready to start up with two fantastic ones!  Monday nights (beginning January 2nd) we will be kicking off the brand new Beth Moore study titled “James:  Mercy Triumphs.”   If you’ve had a chance to read or study the book of James, you know it begins with a verse that says, “Consider it pure joy my brethren, when you face trials of many kinds…”   Now I gotta tell ya, I’ve got a handful of trials going on right now, and I wasn’t sure if I was ready to study the God-breathed words that begin with that statement.  But I figure it’s the best time to study it!!!  So we begin on Monday nights!

On Sunday nights, beginning January 15th, we will begin another Beth Moore study titled “Believing God.”  I LOVE this study!  It was my very first introduction to Beth Moore, and I have grown to love her and her love for Jesus over the past 5 or so years!  This study still means a lot to me, and I am so excited that it is being offered this season.

If you are looking to grow your relationship with Jesus Christ through the study of His Word, please join us for one of these studies!!!!  You will grow!    

Use the links on the right side of this page to Register!

Love ya bunches!  Merry Merry Christmas!

Oh No……………

A good friend of mine sent this to me this weekend….and I thought you might enjoy it!!!!

Happy Monday!!!!!!!!!

I love commercials!!!  Those of you that know me know that my realm of TV pretty much consists of the Weather Channel, which I listen to most mornings as I’m getting ready for work.  Today, one of my favorite commericals played….the  Florida Orange Juice commercial where someone is told all the bad things that are going to happen to them that day, and at the end of the commerical the person smiles and says, “Good thing I had my orange juice today.”  Here’s a link to one in case you haven’t seen them:  commercial.

As I was driving to work , I thought that’s how every Believer should feel about having God…no matter what we’re going to face in the day-to-day living of our lives, we should smile with confidence each day knowing that God will see us through.

There is a song that has been on my mind and in my heart for days, “My Hope is in You” by Aaron Shust…Here are the words to the chorus:

My hope is in You, Lord
All the day long
I won’t be shaken by drought or storm
A peace that passes understanding is my song
And I sing
My hope is in You, Lord

Be encouraged by the Lord, your God, your Savior, your Redeemer, your Healer, your Provider, your Comforter!!!

I love you!

Just for me?????

This morning I was doing my Bible Study homework, and Beth told a story about a time when she was very low and Keith was not home to go with her on their evening walk. She said she wanted to just stay in and cry (I can sooooo relate to that), but put her headphones on, turned on praise music and went walking, alone. She said after a bit, as she sang with the music, her tears of sorrow turned to tears of praise. As she walked, she saw lightning in the distance. The more she sang,”the more the Spirit of God seemed to dance through the flashes of lightning.” I love how personal God is to Beth…makes me feel a little less crazy. You see, I feel like God does little things just for me….:)

A month ago, I was in Greensboro helping Drew (my youngest son) settle in to his dorm room for his first year of college…and my first season of “empty nest.” Now I know some of you long for the day when all of your little birdies have left the nest…and others of you are like me and kind of go into a state of “my children don’t need me anymore.” (Let me assure you, they ALWAYS need you….for gas money, Wal-Mart runs, and other essentials.)

Anywho…….all day in Greensboro I was fighting tears….they were at the surface just waiting to spill out…and when it was almost time for me to go to my hotel, I get a call from my oldest son, Josh. Josh is in the Navy. He and his darling wife, Melanie, live in San Diego, and they are giving me my first little precious grandchild!!!! Josh proceeds to tell me there’s a chance they might be back on the East coast before little darling arrives into this world! I couldn’t believe it! I actually looked up and said, “Father, is this your way of cheering me up???? It’s working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

And yesterday as I drove across the mountains, preparing to face a difficult time, the most beautiful and vivid rainbow appeared. And I felt like God put it there to remind me of His promises….just for me!

Our Father does know what is happening in our lives, and He cares. Psalm 107 tells us numerous times, “Then they cried out (His children)….and He saved them, and He delivered them, and He broke their chains! Praise the Lord and glory to God!!!! Ask God to make you more aware of when He is “speaking” to you…through His Word, His creation, song, sermon and friends.

I love you so very much!

Good morning, eGirls!  Those of you that are in the Monday night Bible Study know how far behind I am in my homework.    I like to think there is some divine reason (vs. being slack) that I am so behind.  Normally, I would just move on and not try to catch up, but you guys made it so intriguing with your discussions that I cannot possibly skip even a day of homework! 

Now, having said that, I just finished week 3 homework…you know, overcoming the obstacles….and boy howdy…now I know why you said the things you did about that week’s homework!   So much I want to say, but not enough time….however, I must say this:  when you did the section on inheriting the influences of your grandparents and parents, was it just me or did the patterns of behavior jump off the page at you?  I never put together how my parents’ behavior was so directly tied to their parents’ behavior.  Anybody know what I’m trying to say? 

Just when I began to feel nervous about what my children have picked up from me, I remember Teena talking about how the sins of the parents go 3 or 4 generations, but the good stuff (loving and obeying God) goes for a thousand generations (Exodus 20:5-6)!  Whew!  Another encouraging reference is this:

Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy GodDeuteronomy 12:28 

A dear friend of mine shared a thought with me this morning, and now I share it with you, “For the verse in Deuteronomy 12:28 I find that the word “WHEN” is key.  Although we may try hard to provide a good future for our children, the future becomes far greater and more prosperous WHEN we (as parents) do that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God.” 

Let’s break free of those obstacles!  Let’s be the ones who leave that baggage behind, and do everything we can to keep our kids, grandkids, great grandkids (you get the picture) from picking it up!  Let’s live the life, as God has called us to live it!

I love you more than I can possibly say!

Signing off today as Geema (that’s what my darling baby granddaughter is going to call me, I hope!)

Last week we met at my house to talk about the exciting event we have coming to South Point Baptist Church….Beautiful Womanhood! 

Here are some pics from our gathering.  Enjoy!

Be Ready….

Last night in Bible Study, I pled with you (and myself) to stay in the Word, cover ourselves with the armor, and look forward to Christ’s return.  Oh how it is my prayer that we remain strong in Christ ( we certainly cannot do it with in own strength) as we await His return!  It will be beyond anything we can imagine!  Are you excited??????

I subscribe to Beth Moore’s blog and just this morning read her latest post.  It was wonderful.  She is working with us to memorize scripture.   If you’d like to read the entire post, click here.  Something that really spoke to me were her last paragraphs, which I quote here:  “OK, Sisters. Let’s hear your 13th verses. While you’re at it, remember that what we’re doing here is IMPORTANT! We’ve got to protect these minds of ours! That’s where our battles are won or lost. You will never waste a single moment rolling God’s Word around in your sweet head. Your health will be the better for it. Your marriage will be the better for it. Your job will be the better for it. Your relationships will be the better for it. Your obedience will be the better for it. Your calling will be the better for it. YOU will be the better for it.  Me, too.  I’m crazy about you. Keep your eyes to the skies.”  Beth Moore Blog

I love God’s word….I love God….I love Jesus Christ….I love the Holy Spirit…and I truly, truly love you!

As the trials of life continue to roll across the canvases of our lives, I encourage you with words from one of my absolute favorite authors, Paul, “that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”  Romans 1:12

Please get in the word today!  www.biblegateway.com

Love you!

Are You Thirsty?

Did you ever go somewhere that water was not available for drinking?  There may have been soda, or milk, or juice but no water?  And no matter what you drank, it didn’t satisfy you? 

Did you ever face a trial when no matter how you tried, you could not find relief or peace in the midst?  Maybe you tried your favorite coping mechanism, but it just didn’t help.  I faced such a day yesterday.

After a long day of struggle and prayer, I got into the Word and began reading the book of John.  I love all the gospels, but in the season I find myself now, I am loving the gospel of John.  It is personal.  It is written by a man who loved Jesus personally.  Although the passages I read had nothing to speak directly to my trial, no major revelation, it brought me a sense of peace that only Believers can understand.  I was thirsty for the Word.  Very thirsty.  And as I drank of the Word, I was satisfied, and realized it! 

When Jesus was at the well with the Samaritan woman, they were talking about water.  She was talking about the water in the well, and He was talking about eternal life.

 13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  John 4:13 – 14  (Read the entire chapter http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+4&version=NIV)

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I thought of the hydrangeas that we planted about three weeks ago.  They are BEAUTIFUL!  But yesterday evening, they appeared to be almost dead. They were shriveled up and lying on the ground.   Randy and I watered them twice, hoping water was what they needed. 

This morning, they were alive and full!  That’s what that water did for them.  And that’s what the Living Water did for me last night.  I feel alive and full today, even in the midst of the difficulty I am facing.

Drink of the Living Water today!

Love ya!

We had a marvelous time at the Tea Party yesterday….all ten of us!  Having this event near the end of the school year was a crazy idea on my part…but we really did have a great time!  Next year, however, we will NOT have it at the end of the school year!

Anyway, one of the things we did at the Tea Party was talk about upcoming Events and Bible Studies. We are so excited about what God is allowing us to do this year!  So, below is the known schedule of Events and Bible Studies for ladies!

    7 Week Bible Study ~ Jonah (Priscilla Shirer)
    Mondays, 6:30 -8:00
    Beginning June 6 
    The Shack


    11 Week Bible Study ~ Breaking Free (Beth Moore)
    Mondays, 6:30 – 8:00
    Beginning August 1
    The Shack

   10 Week Bible Study ~ Jesus, the One and Only (Beth Moore)
    Sundays,  Time TBD
    Beginning August 28
    Location TBD


    Beautiful Womanhood Seminar (Sandy Ralya)
    Saturday, September 17
    Time TBD
    Family Ministry Center

Please join us beginning June 6 for a wonderful study of Jonah:  Navigating the Interrupted Life!

Love ya, eGirls!

Well, where to begin!  A dear friend and I were talking today about becoming members of a group…a group that commits to making better life choices that lead to a healthier you…okay, it’s WeightWatchers!  Seriously, we both do want to be healthier and lose weight!  But I told her I didn’t want the focus of my life to be losing weight, didn’t want to be obsessed about it, and she said she felt the same way.  So off to Showmars we went for lunch (yes, you can make healthy choices at Showmars).

While we were enjoying our chicken (healthy), a man walked up somewhat quickly to our table and said, “I had to come back in here and tell what the Lord told me to tell you….I am a pastor, but my name is not important…He is important (as he pointed toward heaven).  I was sitting over there at that table when you both sat down here to eat…and the Lord told me to tell you (and then he pointed to the gentlemen who had joined us after we sat down) not you guys, you weren’t here when the Lord spoke to me, but to you ladies…the Lord said tell them ‘you have never been more beautiful than you are today’.  That’s what the Lord said to tell you!  I had to come back and share it!  Just receive it!”  I responded quickly and enthusiastically, “I receive it!!!!”  My friend replied, “I receive it, too!”  Then he hurried off and joined his friend who was waiting for him outside.  It seemed he had left Showmars, and then was compelled to come back and deliver this message to two strangers!

We were stunned!  This man was an African-American pastor, who just walked up to two white women, and shared a word that he felt came straight from the Lord!  He had no idea what we had been talking about…he had no idea how we would respond…he didn’t know if were Believers, or agnostics, or athiests….he knew NOTHING about us!  That’s what I call OBEDIENT!

We went for a quick walk outside and I said, “what do you think that was all about??”  And my friend said she thought God heard our conversation in her office, and wanted that pastor (who obviously made himself available to God) to share those words to us from Him.  Then she grinned at me and said, “I don’t think He was saying we shouldn’t join WeightWatchers!”  I giggled and said, “me either!” 

My friend and I were so excited!  I have never in my life experienced anything like that, and she said she hadn’t either!  Can you for a moment imagine how that pastor must have felt???  Can you imagine how we felt??? I can’t even begin to describe it! 

I believe the words came straight from the Lord…WOW!

As I was writing this post, I thought of a song by Johnny Diaz that I have heard many times, titled “There Could Never Be  A More Beautiful You”.  Below are the words to the chorus.

There could never be a more beautiful you
Don’t buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

Okay, I know this seems like a long version, but I can assure you, it’s not!

I hope you enjoy this…and remember that God knows every hair on our head, every tear that we’ve cried, every burden that we carry…and today my friend and I heard God speak!

Love ya!